According to the documentation <>, I should be seeing far more environment variables in the context of prolog/epilog scripts. I am currently running version SLURM 17.11.2 and have noticed that only these are available to me:
SLURM_JOB_NAME SLURM_PRIO_PROCESS SLURM_RLIMIT_CORE SLURM_MPI_TYPE SLURM_RLIMIT_STACK SLURM_RLIMIT_MEMLOCK SLURM_DIR SLURM_UMASK SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR SLURM_RLIMIT_NPROC SLURM_JOB_CPUS_PER_NODE SLURM_CLUSTER_NAME SLURM_SUBMIT_HOST SLURM_RLIMIT_DATA SLURM_RLIMIT_FSIZE SLURM_RLIMIT_AS SLURM_RLIMIT_RSS SLURM_RLIMIT_CPU SLURM_RLIMIT_NOFILE In my particular case, I need SLURM_JOB_NODELIST, which should be available but it is not. I searched the user forums and found one post <!searchin/slurm-users/epilog$20environment|sort:date/slurm-users/j2GgPKuPiAg/GgliFV9uCAAJ> that mentions a fix to environment with respect to prolog in 17.11.3. Can anyone confirm that an upgrade will fix this issue? Has anyone else noticed this and/or know of a fix? Thanks! -- Dan Jordan