On 2018-02-12 11:37, Fabien ELOY wrote:

I am trying to set priority ... but it doesn't work !

If I type sudo srun --priority=X, it's OK. But if I use my "standard" user it's not OK (priority calculated by slurm).

I do not have a database used with SLURM.

Il my slurm.conf, "SlurmUser=slurm" and my server has 2 users in the same group (slurm) : these users can run SLURM command ... but impossible to set priority.

Is there a solution to define a user as an admin SLURM ? Is it the problem there ?

You can use the "nice" feature to give a range of priorities of you jobs without being "root".


Magnus Jonsson, Developer, HPC2N, UmeƄ Universitet

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