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On Sunday, January 7, 2018, 12:45 AM, Lachlan Musicman <> 

I'd imagine so. As long as the slurmd is running on the arm nodes, I can't see 
why not. Should be transparent to the underlying hardware.


"The antidote to apocalypticism is apocalyptic civics. Apocalyptic civics is 
the insistence that we cannot ignore the truth, nor should we panic about it. 
It is a shared consciousness that our institutions have failed and our 
ecosystem is collapsing, yet we are still here — and we are creative agents who 
can shape our destinies. Apocalyptic civics is the conviction that the only way 
out is through, and the only way through is together. "

Greg Bloom @greggish

On 7 January 2018 at 10:36, Steve Caruso <> wrote:

Can slurm run on an x86 server and submit and manage jobs on ARM-based compute 

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