Hi Alexandre,
It would be good to know a bit more information.
I wrote some questions that might be of interest, but you probably know better 
what info is relevant to your problem.

Which ssh connection gets dropped exactly?
What os/slurm version are you using?
How does your jobscript look like?
How does your slurm config look like?


From: alexandre.vid...@sichh.ch
Sent: Friday, December 1, 2017 13:22
To: slurm-users@lists.schedmd.com
Subject: [slurm-users] SSH closed by remote host when job starts

Hi everyone,

I have currently a setup consisting only of one node, which will grow in the 
future. Everything works fine so far, except that everytime a job starts, the 
ssh session is closed automatically and I have to log in again.

Here are the different logs:


sbatch launch_job.sh
Submitted batch job 42
[user@computer]$ Connection to closed by remote host.

Dec  1 12:30:27 computer systemd-logind: Removed session 114.
Dec  1 12:30:27 computer systemd: Removed slice User Slice of user.
Dec  1 12:30:27 computer systemd: Stopping User Slice of user.

It does not seem to be an error, however the session is closed and I have not 
seen any parameter to prevent it.

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