I've been trying to setup a slurm cluster with con_res enabled. No luck. Running on ubuntu 16.04
When using linear selection all works as expected. Jobs are schedules and run their course then exit. Exclusive use of the node is granted. We would like to schedule based on cpu (cores actually) and set thus: # SCHEDULING FastSchedule=1 SchedulerType=sched/backfill #SchedulerPort=7321 #SelectType=select/linear SelectType=select/cons_res SelectTypeParameters=CR_CORE #SelectTypeParameters=CR_CPU When launching jobs we more than one at a time per node but the jobs become hung in a COMPLETING state. Not sure if they ever started. Can anyone point me to how to set up slurm so that allocation is on a cpu (core) basis with as many jobs as there are cores running on each node? Regards Ethan VanMatre Informatics Research Analyst Institute on Development and Disability Oregon Health & Science University CSLU - GH40 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd Portland, OR 97239 (503) 346-3764 vanma...@ohsu.edu