I'm getting this message anytime I try to execute any job on my cluster.
(node01 is the name of my first of eight nodes and is up and running)

Trying a python simple script:
*root@mycluster:/tmp# srun python test.py *
*slurmd[node01]: error: task/cgroup: unable to build job physical cores*
*/usr/bin/python: can't open file 'test.py': [Errno 2] No such file or
*srun: error: node01: task 0: Exited with exit code 2*

Trying to run a simple command
*root@ mycluster:/tmp# srun nano testbet.txt*
*slurmd[node01]: error: task/cgroup: unable to build job physical cores*
And then remains stuck indefinitely. If i tap Ctrl-C two times it stops the
process, nano gets called for a second and then closed and I'm back to the

Have you ever seen this message or knowing what it means?
Thank you

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