Hi, I am looking for peers for a new Hockeypuck installation.
I am running Hockeypuck 2.1.2, on keys.dryusdan.net. I am Dryusdan, a tech and privacy lover. In the past, I was part of the collective CHATONS (https://www.chatons.org/en), launch by Framasoft (for french here who know who there are)). This server run on my self hosted server (actually under my TV). The server is physically located in Nantes (FR). The machine haven't IPv6 connectivity (my ISP block all incomming IPv6 trafic :( ). I have loaded a keydump from Cyberbits (|rsync.cyberbits.eu/sks/dump/)|, dated 2024-03-25. I see 6587450 keys loaded. I try to launch also another server, hosted in Helsinki (on Hetzner's ARM vps), called gpg.4n0ny.me but it not ready yet (key import is very long). (And I write a tech article for openpgp keyserver but it's not important) For operational issues, please contact me directly. keys.dryusdan.net 11370 # Dryusdan<m...@dryusdan.fr> 0x87d8c67ee79958e6 (https://pgpkeys.eu:11371/pks/lookup?search=0x87d8c67ee79958e6&fingerprint=on&op=index) (new key, maded specialy for my GPG card) Thank you, Dryusdan