I would challenge that the ubuntu server is even well maintained for day-to-day 
issues currently. My PGP key (0x 949D203A) was uploaded directly to their 
server in the past as well as being available on my nodes which they used to 
peer with. However, keyserver.ubuntu.com began to intermittently respond with 
404 not found errors when searching for it (at least) almost 1 year ago when I 
began monitoring it on May 1 2023. It remained that way until June 19, 2023  at 
which point it started responding with 404 not found errors 100% of the time as 
you can see here: 

I’d be curious to know if Skip or anyone else has had similar experiences after 
trying to upload their key directly to canonical’s server and then checking 
back to see if it is retained & made available to clients that query for it.

Not to be totally negative, as Andrew is correct that we may finally be making 
some progress with direct outreach to a new contact @ Canonical whereas even 
that failed in the past with individuals who were responsible for their 
keyserver (e.g. handled peering requests and the like). Fingers crossed.


> On Mar 7, 2024, at 09:15, Andrew Gallagher via SKS development and deployment 
> list <sks-devel@nongnu.org> wrote:
> On 7 Mar 2024, at 16:47, Skip Carter <s...@taygeta.com> wrote:
>> I have found that the keyservers are not properly synced:
>> The MIT server has my key from 2023-03-29
>> but the Ubuntu server has only my old expired key 2019-04-10 (4 years
>> out of date!).
> The MIT server is effectively running unmaintained at the moment. It is a 
> single-threaded sks-keyserver node with severe stability issues. We have 
> tried engaging with them on several occasions but there has been no reply. I 
> would not recommend relying upon it.
> The Ubuntu keyserver is well-maintained for day to day issues, but there is 
> some disconnect internally between their SRE teams and their support desk. We 
> are making some progress and hope to be back in sync shortly.
> You can see the current sync state of the graph at 
> https://spider.pgpkeys.eu/graphs
> A

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