On 8/7/22 05:17, Andrew Gallagher wrote:
On 07/08/2022 04:03, Samuel Sloniker wrote:

I'm thinking about setting up a keyserver, but I'm concerned about storage space. How much is required?

A recent keydump of the SKS dataset is a little over 15GB in size. To run a copy of Hockeypuck with the full dataset loaded takes around 40GB, so you should budget 60GB free disk space to get up and running safely - but remember that disk usage will only increase over time so this is a minimum, not a recommendation. You can delete the dump afterwards to reclaim some space if you are resource constricted.

sks-keyserver can be run on a smaller disk (by using fastbuild and using the dump directly instead of importing it), however I would not recommend it.


Thank you! What is the problem with using fastbuild?

OpenPGP: FD8E 0ACB E52F D717 AA65  8F5A 1BB4 029E 6628 5A62

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