Would it help to move them to the US?

> On May 26, 2022, at 11:01 PM, Ced <c...@cyberbits.eu> wrote:
> On Thu, 26 May 2022 16:53:31 -0400
> Jason John Schwarz via SKS development and deployment list
> <sks-devel@nongnu.org> wrote:
>> We have received the same take down request from Mr. Puerto as
>> several other keyservers under GDRP. As we are running
>> keyserver.insect.com as a free service we can not afford to deal with
>> legal costs on this request, and therefore are shutting down
>> keyserver.insect.com effective today.
> We have received the same takedown request from that Mr. Puerto. We run
> Hockeypuck at pgp.cyberbits.eu. Sadly there doesn't seem to be an easy
> way to somehow blacklist his key. We could return 404 when the query
> parameters contains his key ID but the key would still be available
> through the search form and possibly other paths.
> Another idea would be to switch to
> https://gitlab.com/hagrid-keyserver/hagrid but it still doesn't have a
> federation feature so it would be pretty useless in practice.
> pgp.cyberbits.eu is used by https://www.parabola.nu/ and probably other
> projects so we don't want to take it down. However, it's not worth
> getting sued for running a public service pro bono...
> If anyone has an idea to prevent the collapse of the few remaining SKS
> keyservers, please let us know otherwise we'll have to take down our
> server too pretty soon :(

Prof. Ari Trachtenberg            ECE, Boston University
trach...@bu.edu                    http://people.bu.edu/trachten

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