I am getting the following errors in hockeypuck: time="2021-10-06T19:41:31-07:00" level=error msg="recon with failed" error="remote rejected configuration\nfilters do not match.\n\tlocal filters: [ yminsky.dedup yminsky.merge ]\n\tremote filters: [ yminsky.dedup ]
But my config file is set to: filters=["yminsky.dedup"] Any idea what is wrong ? Also, is there an authoritive document on the config file ? The site I used when first setting up hockeypuck, I failed to bookmark (never imagined I would need it) and cannot find a complete document. -- Dr Everett (Skip) Carter 0x8176163B s...@taygeta.com Taygeta Scientific Inc 607 Charles Ave Seaside CA 93955 831-641-0645 x103