I switched to hockeypuck about a month ago and am still getting used to it.

I have a question about logging. 

In a recent post, Gunnar Wolf gave a snippit of his logs which looked like:

Sep 14 16:07:03 hkp.openpgpkeys.net hockeypuck[11829]: goroutine 12101
Sep 14 16:07:03 hkp.openpgpkeys.net hockeypuck[11829]:
Sep 14 16:07:03 hkp.openpgpkeys.net hockeypuck[11829]:         /usr/lib/go-
1.15/src/sync/waitgroup.go:132 +0xae
Sep 14 16:07:03 hkp.openpgpkeys.net hockeypuck[11829]:
gopkg.in/hockeypuck/conflux.v2/recon.(*Peer).mutate.func1(0x0, 0xc000275500)

these look like the went through syslog.

But MY logs look like:

lookup                                        fp=63af7aa15067c05616fddd88a3a2e8f
226f0bc06 length=1219 op=get
INFO[169329]                                               GET=/pks/lookup?op=ge
duration=6.444816ms from= host= status-
code=200 user-agent=pgp-happy-eyeballs
INFO[169503]                                               GET=/pks/lookup?op=st
ats duration=819.389µs from=
host=keyserver.taygeta.com:11371 status-code=200 user-agent=sks_peers/0.2 (SKS
mesh spidering)

The syslog format is much more useful.  Where can I find documentation on
customizing the logging ?  Pushing the logs to syslog would be preferable, but
even just adusting the format would be helpful


Dr Everett (Skip) Carter  0x8176163B
Taygeta Scientific Inc
607 Charles Ave
Seaside CA 93955
831-641-0645 x103

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