On 8/30/21 7:29 PM, Skip Carter wrote:
I finally gave up on keeping the plates spinning and stopped using SKS and
switched to hockeypuck at keyserver.taygeta.com.
The switchover was gratifyingly trouble free.
I switched from sks to hockeypuck about a year ago and never looked
back. It's basically maintenance free unlike sks weekly crashes.
At the moment there are no keys in the database, is there a tool which will take
a daily dump and initialize the database from that ?
There are two options that I know of:
1. Download PGP dump files from another sks or hockeypuck instance (both
can be imported by hockeypuck):
rsync -av rsync://rsync.cyberbits.eu/sks/dump . && cd dump && sha256sum -c SHA256SUMS
&& sudo -u hockeypuck -g hockeypuck /usr/bin/hockeypuck-load -config
/etc/hockeypuck/hockeypuck.conf *.pgp
2. Import the PostgreSQL database directly (probably faster) assuming
you're using PostgreSQL as the hockeypuck database:
wget https://mirror.cyberbits.eu/sks/dump/hockeypuck.psql && sudo -u hockeypuck
-g hockeypuck pg_restore -v -F c -d hkp -f hockeypuck.psql
FYI I have a cron job to export these files weekly from my hockeypuck
I am also getting lots of recon failed messages in the log, probably from dead
peers. Maybe we should post "I am still alive messages" here so we can
reconfigure to use live peers.
This might be because you don't have any keys at the moment.