On 29/03/2021 11:47, Marcel Waldvogel wrote:

Looking at the cached metadata it appears that when the spider ran,
pod02.fleetstreetops nodes was unavailable, as was pgpkeys.co.uk

Apologies, I didn't mean to cast doubt on the reliability of your node,
but rather on that of the spider. It does not maintain much of a
historical record, and so depends on a single measurement per node each

yes, that's the case with sks.infcs.de as well.

That server sometimes handles a reconcil task that it does not return
the stat-page in time. Per log, the server is running the whole time,
but the spider cannot retrieve the stat page all the time, because of
the sequential design of SKS server.

Would you "core server people" consider caching the status page in the proxy? (I do fetch the status page every 5 minutes from the backend servers to create a "homegeneous" view of the pool, as each is configured slightly differently; and serve that statically from the load balancer.)


I'm doing similar things in my cluster. All data gets cached for 5 minutes and, looking at metrics, this is good enough for about 22-30% cache hit ratio.


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