
I have an issue with SGE 8.1.9 on Debian stretch. I try to increase the number of dynamic event clients to 5000:

dieterich@gc-node-5:~$ qconf -sconf global | grep qmaster_params
qmaster_params               MAX_DYN_EC=5000

But somehow that limit is overriden by sge_qmaster and I end up with only 978 dynamic event clients:

08/02/2017 14:30:08| main|gc-node-5|W|local configuration gc-node-5.mpipz.mpg.de not defined - using global configuration 08/02/2017 14:30:08| main|gc-node-5|I|read job database with 6 entries in 0 seconds 08/02/2017 14:30:08| main|gc-node-5|W|nr of dynamic event clients exceeds max file descriptor limit, setting MAX_DYN_EC=978 08/02/2017 14:30:08| main|gc-node-5|I|qmaster hard descriptor limit is set to 12288 08/02/2017 14:30:08| main|gc-node-5|I|qmaster soft descriptor limit is set to 12288 08/02/2017 14:30:08| main|gc-node-5|I|qmaster will use max. 1003 file descriptors for communication 08/02/2017 14:30:08| main|gc-node-5|I|qmaster will accept max. 978 dynamic event clients
08/02/2017 14:30:08|  main|gc-node-5|I|starting up SGE 8.1.9 (lx-amd64)

The irritating thing is that qmaster correctly reports the descriptor limit as 12288 but then claims to only use 1003 file descriptiors. I checked on /proc/<qmaster-pid>/limits that 12288 is the valid value.

I had a brief look into the source code and followed the setting to cl_com_create_handle() in source/libs/comm/cl_commlib.c:

#if defined(IRIX)
   getrlimit64(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &application_rlimits);
   getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &application_rlimits);

new_handle->max_open_connections = (unsigned long) application_rlimits.rlim_cur;

That looks correct to me.

Am I missing some configuration parameter to increase the limit of open file descriptors? Or is this a bug?

Best regards

Roland Dieterich

Max Planck-Genome-centre Cologne
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