> Am 29.05.2017 um 16:11 schrieb juanesteban.jime...@mdc-berlin.de:
> BTW, I did this to try to troubleshoot this, in qconf -mconf
> rsh_command                  /usr/bin/ssh -Y -A -vvvv
> But where does qrsh put the result of the -vvvv option?

To the screen. But rsh_command is not used for a log in, but only with an 
additional command on the invocation line. Please try rlogin_{|command,daemon} 
which will produce the output for a plain login.

-- Reuti

> Mfg,
> Juan Jimenez
> System Administrator, HPC
> MDC Berlin / IT-Dept.
> Tel.: +49 30 9406 2800
> ________________________________________
> From: Jimenez, Juan Esteban
> Sent: Monday, May 29, 2017 16:08
> To: SGE-discuss@liv.ac.uk
> Subject: Another QRSH problem
> Out of the blue, qrsh refuses to work. It will not allow me to connect to any 
> node, but ssh works fine from all nodes to all nodes. ???
> [jjimene@med-login2 bin]$ qrsh -verbose
> Your job 4909901 ("QRLOGIN") has been submitted
> waiting for interactive job to be scheduled ...
> Your interactive job 4909901 has been successfully scheduled.
> Establishing /usr/bin/ssh -Y -A session to host med0241 ...
> ssh_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
> /usr/bin/ssh -Y -A exited with exit code 255
> [jjimene@med-login2 bin]$ ssh med0241
> Last login: Mon May 29 15:53:20 2017 from med-qmaster.mdc-berlin.net
> What could be causing this? Again, the fact that qrsh does not make any 
> effort to tell me where the error is coming from is making debugging this 
> harder than necessary. How can I tell qrsh to pass -vvvv to the ssh call and 
> give me access to the resulting log?
> Mfg,
> Juan Jimenez
> System Administrator, HPC
> MDC Berlin / IT-Dept.
> Tel.: +49 30 9406 2800
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