
> Am 19.05.2017 um 12:04 schrieb Mukesh Chawla <mukesh.mnni...@gmail.com>:
> I am trying to run a windows exec host attached to a Unix based master
> using the new feature WSL(windows shell for linux)  introduced in windows
> 10. I have successfully set up the grid engine master and execution host on
> it. But when I start submitting the jobs to the exec they just remain in
> queue.
> 1. Can anybody let me know if its possible or if it has been done what
> could I be doing wrong?
> 2. Also if WSL is not the correct way for windows then what else can I use
> for this use case?

Can you please post the output of `qhost` and `qconf -sq all.q`(assuming this 
is the queue you set up).

-- Reuti

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