Hi Reuti,

On 6 April 2017 at 17:15, Reuti <re...@staff.uni-marburg.de> wrote:
>> I'm now wanting to augment this so it can also set an env var per
>> execution host for each MPI job.
> Which implementation of MPI?
> Several have an export switch, e.g. Open MPI:
> $ mpirun -x USER_ENV_VAR …
> to export certain set environment variables (it's advertised not to use it to 
> define them in the `miprun` command, but only to `export` them).

We make several MPI implementations available to our users
(http://docs.hpc.shef.ac.uk/en/latest/sharc/software/parallel/) so I
was hoping to find a mechanism where an env var automatically could be
set (to a per-host value) for any slave task, regardless of what is
being run in the parallel environment.



Dr Will Furnass | Research Software Engineer
Dept of Computer Science | University of Sheffield
https://rse.shef.ac.uk | @willfurnass | +44 (0) 22 21874
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