I installed a cluster with different CentOS versions recently.
What I did was installing SGE in each node according to its version, and
sharing only the $SGE_ROOT/SGE_CELL folder.

This is mentioned in the documentation as a way to reduce NFS traffic:

The only downside is that the nodes need extra setup on creation, but
since that's a rare occurrence and there's binary packages available for
CentOS, it's a good trade off to make.

Phill Harvey-Smith @ 2017-02-03 10:20:38:
> Hi all,
> I manage a cluster of machines at the University of Warwick running on
> Ubuntu 12.04, and SGE 8.1.3, the SGE root on our head node is in /export/sge
> and is NFS shared and then mounted on /usr/sge on the nodes (including the
> head). This all works correctly.
> However in an attempt to modernize the cluster the decision has been made to
> migrate to using Centos 7.2. This bring with it some problems in that the
> old binaries (from Ubuntu) are in incompatible with Centos, mainly it seems
> due to Ubuntu 12.04 using older versions of some of the libraries.
> I have downloaded and compiled SGE 8.1.9 on the Centos node, but don't want
> to install it's binaries in the same directory as the Ubuntu version as it
> will almost certainly break the Ubuntu version. So what I would like to be
> able to do is to have both versions of the binaries installed, however the
> Centos nodes will also need to be a part of the same cluster as the Ubuntu
> nodes. I realize that there will be issues with executable versions when
> running jobs, but I would at least be able to verify that the SGE works on
> the new Centos system ahead of upgrading the nodes.
> Is this doable, and if so what is the best way of doing it.
> Cheers.
> Phill.
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