
> Am 23.12.2016 um 11:58 schrieb Ondrej Valousek <ondrej.valou...@s3group.com>:
> Hi List,
> Question, I run:
> -          Qrsh (to get a shell on remote compute node)
> -          “/bin/yes > /dev/null &” (run some bogus detached process there)
> -          Control-D – I lose the shell connection, but the job keeps running 
> in the ‘r’ state
> -          If I run ‘qdel’ to terminate my ‘/bin/yes’ job, the job remains in 
> ‘dr’ state forever. I would expect qdel kills the shell as well as the 
> spawned /bin/yes job – but this does not happen, why?

do you have this setting in SGE's configuration:

$qconf -sconf
execd_params                 ENABLE_ADDGRP_KILL=TRUE

-- Reuti

> Also, does SoGE have something like ‘qps’ to see processes associated with 
> the job id?
> Thanks,
> Ondrej
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