Tried SGE_ND
Works perfectly with systemd - many thanks.


-----Original Message-----
From: William Hay [] 
Sent: Monday, November 28, 2016 4:18 PM
To: Mike Grant <>
Cc: Ondrej Valousek <>; 
Subject: Re: [SGE-discuss] Systemd more friendly sgemaster

On Mon, Nov 28, 2016 at 10:59:21AM +0000, Mike Grant wrote:
> Writing as the original reporter of that bug, here's a bit more info..
> On 28/11/16 10:34, William Hay wrote:
> > What version of grid engine are you using?
> The bug and the comments below refer to the Fedora packaged version, 
> which will be quite a bit behind SoGE.  Yes, we plan to try out SoGE 
> on our next OS update.
> > Does setting SGE_ND not prevent forking for you?
> There is an issue that shadowd (at least in the Fedora packaged 
> version) still daemonises even with SGE_ND set.  In order to prevent 
> that, one also has to set SGE_DEBUG_LEVEL="1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0" 
> (minimal?), which results in a lot of spam if that node becomes the 
> master.  Even filtering this doesn't help a lot, as it burns a lot of 
> CPU printing and dropping the lines.

SGE_ND is documented in the qmaster man page but not the shadowd man page so I 
guess that is "working as designed".  Since SGE_DEBUG_LEVEL prevents 
daemonisation it would probably be fairly simple to make SGE_ND work as well.  
You could submit a request for that as an enhancement bug to Dave's bugtracker.

An alternative/workaround might be to use a generic HA solution rather than the 
shadow_master daemon.  Pacemaker claims to work with systemd.  

> If that's still true in SoGE, making it respect SGE_ND would be a nice fix.
> > If setting SGE_ND  does prevent forking and the problem is exessive log 
> > messages then an example
> > of the messages in question would be helpful.
> Here's a small snippet from last night - it's just a few lines every few
> minutes.  Mostly it's a regular scheduler report (does this go to
> stdout? maybe I should filter it!) and one legitimate error (definitely
> don't want to filter this).

The scheduler stuff vanishes if one redirects stdout to /dev/null (at least 
for me with 8.1.9). Other stuff ( a few messages at startup ) still gets 
logged (again at least the messages I saw).


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