
When executing the script source/scripts/distinst (SGE 8.1.9) while the
current account

is not root, there is 'chown 0:0' or 'install -o 0 -g 0' commands executed.

This breaks a build in a user directory (I build installation packages
so install is done

as the current user, not root).

Joined, you will find a patch which corrects this behaviour (never try
to change

owner when not root).

Expecting this can help,



Philippe Poilbarbe

CLS - Collecte Localisation Satellites


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diff -Naur sge-8.1.9.orig/source/scripts/distinst sge-8.1.9/source/scripts/distinst
--- sge-8.1.9.orig/source/scripts/distinst	2016-02-28 19:23:26.000000000 +0100
+++ sge-8.1.9/source/scripts/distinst	2016-06-13 11:24:39.044366000 +0200
@@ -190,6 +190,15 @@
+   if [ $IAMROOT = true ]; then
+      Execute chown "$@"
+   fi
    BUILDARCH=`$GE_SOURCEDIR/scripts/compilearch -b $1`
@@ -324,7 +333,7 @@
                                 -name ".#*" -o -name "*.swp" \) \
                               -type f -exec rm -f {} \;
       if [ $IAMROOT = true ]; then
-         Execute chown -R 0:0 $DEST_SGE_ROOT/$i
+         ChownIfRoot -R 0:0 $DEST_SGE_ROOT/$i
@@ -336,12 +345,15 @@
    target_uid=`echo $1 | cut -d. -f1`
    target_gid=`echo $1 | cut -d. -f2`
    if [ -n "$INSTALL" ]; then
-      Execute "$INSTALL" -o $target_uid -g $target_gid -m "$2" "$3" "$4"
+      if [ $IAMROOT = true ]; then
+         Execute "$INSTALL" -o $target_uid -g $target_gid -m "$2" "$3" "$4"
+      else
+         Execute "$INSTALL" -m "$2" "$3" "$4"
+      fi
       Execute cp $3 $4
       if [ $IAMROOT = true ]; then
-         Execute chown $target_uid "$4"
-         Execute chgrp $target_gid "$4"
+         ChownIfRoot $target_uid:$target_gid "$4"
       if [ -d $4 ]; then
          Execute chmod $2 $4/`basename $3`
@@ -1310,7 +1322,7 @@
       (cd $DEST_SGE_ROOT; \
        Execute $TAR xvpzf $ARCO_SOURCE_DIR/dbwriter/dbwriter.tar.gz; \
        Execute $TAR xvpzf $ARCO_SOURCE_DIR/reporting/reporting.tar.gz; \
-       chown -R root:root $DEST_SGE_ROOT/reporting $DEST_SGE_ROOT/dbwriter )
+       ChownIfRoot -R root:root $DEST_SGE_ROOT/reporting $DEST_SGE_ROOT/dbwriter )
       Cleanup reporting dbwriter 
       echo ARCo part done
@@ -1353,12 +1365,12 @@
       Execute mkdir -p $DEST_SGE_ROOT/bin
       Execute cp $ABSOLUTE_SGE_INSPECT_SRC_DIR/scripts/sgeinspect.sh $DEST_SGE_ROOT/bin/
-      chown root:root $DEST_SGE_ROOT/bin/sgeinspect.sh
+      ChownIfRoot root:root $DEST_SGE_ROOT/bin/sgeinspect.sh
       Execute chmod 755 $DEST_SGE_ROOT/bin/sgeinspect.sh
       if [ -f $ABSOLUTE_SGE_INSPECT_SRC_DIR/scripts/logging.properties ]; then
          Execute cp $ABSOLUTE_SGE_INSPECT_SRC_DIR/scripts/logging.properties $DEST_SGE_ROOT/sgeinspect/etc
-         chown root:root $DEST_SGE_ROOT/sgeinspect/etc/logging.properties
+         ChownIfRoot root:root $DEST_SGE_ROOT/sgeinspect/etc/logging.properties
          Execute chmod 644 $DEST_SGE_ROOT/sgeinspect/etc/logging.properties
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