Hi William,
I haven't touched the h_rt and s_rt values - they are by default INFINITY:
qconf -sq all.q | grep '_rt'
s_rt                  INFINITY
h_rt                  INFINITY


On 10/06/16 15:49, William Hay wrote:
On Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 03:07:53PM +0100, Razvan Sultana wrote:
the job just sits there in a 'qw' state, with this scheduling info showing:
scheduling info:            cannot run in PE "mpi" because it only offers
2147483648 slots

I have tried anything I could think of - changing the number of slots in th
PE queue, changing the allocation rule, etc.
Nothing changed - all the jobs with `-pe mpi` fail to be scheduled.

This looks like a bug to me.
2147483648 is 0x80000000 and it's -2147483648 when seen as a signed int, so
5 > -2147483648
But of course, the number of available slots to the PE should be anything
but this number (I tried 9999, 99, 10  - no change).

I tried looking in this (and other precursor) discussion list archives for
similar error messages and although it pops up from time to time, nobody
seems to know why that is or how to fix it.
Any suggestions to fix this issue?
Does your cluster have a particularly short default runtime:


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