> Am 02.04.2016 um 19:01 schrieb Narsimha Reddy <narsimha....@outlook.com>:
> Dear Team,
> Kindly help me out for the implementation of resource reservation in the Grid 
> Engine.
> I want this for the implementation of pure FIFO model to be applied for grid 
> engine jobs as per the job ids.

Mostly you need these settings in the scheduler configuration:

$ qconf -ssconf
policy_hierarchy                  NONE
max_reservation                   20
default_duration                  8760:00:00

and jobs should be submitted with `qsub -R y ...` (could be defined as default 
in "sge_request"). It's advisable to replace the default runtime with the real 
expected one. Despite the FIFO scheduling, backfilling could still occur as 
this would use resources which would idle otherwise and won't influence the 
FIFO of other jobs.

-- Reuti
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