On Wed, 28 Aug 2024 01:24:43 GMT, David Holmes <dhol...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>>> If you try to accommodate arbitrary future use then every method in the VM 
>>> would need to enforce every single precondition and invariant it expects 
>>> "just in case" and that is not practical.
>> I'm basically arguing for Functional Testing here, or at least having some 
>> invariants the would allow functional testing.  It may seem impractical to 
>> retrofit existing code, but when we are changing the input from int to 
>> size_t, that seems like the perfect time to enforce the new invariants.  If 
>> we expect "len" to be <= INT_MAX instead of SIZE_MAX, something that is not 
>> obvious from its type, then why not check that with an assert or at least 
>> document it?
> Note that I do already document the assumptions here in the general comment 
> in utf8.hpp:
> There is an additional assumption/expectation that our UTF8 API's are never 
> dealing with
> invalid UTF8, and more generally that all UTF8 sequences could form valid 
> Strings.
> Consequently the Unicode length of a UTF8 sequence is assumed to always be 
> representable
> by an int. 
> the check_cast is then the assert that verifies that.

OK, that's good enough for me.  Thanks,


PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/20560#discussion_r1733935851

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