When inflating a monitor the `ObjectMonitor*` is written directly over the 
`markWord` and any overwritten data is displaced into a displaced `markWord`. 
This is problematic for concurrent GCs which needs extra care or looser 
semantics to use this displaced data. In Lilliput this data also contains the 
klass forcing this to be something that the GC has to take into account 

This patch introduces an alternative solution where locking only uses the lock 
bits of the `markWord` and inflation does not override and displace the 
`markWord`. This is done by keeping associations between objects and 
`ObjectMonitor*` in an external hash table. Different caching techniques are 
used to speedup lookups from compiled code.

A diagnostic VM option is introduced called `UseObjectMonitorTable`. It is only 
supported in combination with the LM_LIGHTWEIGHT locking mode (the default). 

This patch has been evaluated to be performance neutral when 
`UseObjectMonitorTable` is turned off (the default). 

Below is a more detailed explanation of this change and how `LM_LIGHTWEIGHT` 
and `UseObjectMonitorTable` works.

# Cleanups

Cleaned up displaced header usage for:
  * BasicLock
    * Contains some Zero changes
    * Renames one exported JVMCI field
  * ObjectMonitor
    * Updates comments and tests consistencies

# Refactoring

`ObjectMonitor::enter` has been refactored an a `ObjectMonitorContentionMark` 
witness object has been introduced to the signatures. Which signals that the 
contentions reference counter is being held. More details are given below in 
the section about deflation.

The initial purpose of this was to allow `UseObjectMonitorTable` to interact 
more seamlessly with the `ObjectMonitor::enter` code. 

_There is even more `ObjectMonitor` refactoring which can be done here to 
create a more understandable and enforceable API. There are a handful of 
invariants / assumptions which are not always explicitly asserted which could 
be trivially abstracted and verified by the type system by using similar 
witness objects._

# LightweightSynchronizer

Working on adapting and incorporating the following section as a comment in the 
source code

## Fast Locking

  CAS on locking bits in markWord. 
  0b00 (Fast Locked) <--> 0b01 (Unlocked)

  When locking and 0b00 (Fast Locked) is observed, it may be beneficial to 
avoid inflating by spinning a bit.

  If 0b10 (Inflated) is observed or there is to much contention or to long 
critical sections for spinning to be feasible, inflated locking is performed.

### Fast Lock Spinning (UseObjectMonitorTable)

  When a thread fails fast locking when a monitor is not yet inflated, it will 
spin on the markWord using a exponential backoff scheme. The thread will 
attempt the fast lock CAS and then SpinWait() for some time, doubling with 
every failed attempt, up to a maximum number of attempts. There is a diagnostic 
VM option LightweightFastLockingSpins which can be used to tune this value. The 
behavior of SpinWait() can be hardware dependent.

  A future improvement may be to adapt this spinning limit to observed 
behavior. Which would automatically adapt to the different hardware behavior of 

## Inflated Locking

  Inflated locking means that a ObjectMonitor is associated with the object and 
is used for locking instead of the locking bits in the markWord.

## Inflated Locking without table (!UseObjectMonitorTable)

  An inflating thread will create a ObjectMonitor and CAS the ObjectMonitor* 
into the markWord along with the 0b10 (Inflated) lock bits. If the transition 
of the lock bits is from 0b00 (Fast Locked) the ObjectMonitor must be published 
with an anonymous owner (setting _owner to ANONYMOUS_OWNER). If the transition 
of the lock bits is from 0b00 (Unlocked) the ObjectMonitor is published with no 

  When encountering an ObjectMonitor with an anonymous owner the thread checks 
its lock stack to see if it is the owner, in which case it removes the object 
from its lock stack and sets itself as the owner of the ObjectMonitor along 
with fixing the recursion level to correspond to the number of removed lock 
stack entires.

## Inflated Locking with table (UseObjectMonitorTable)

  Because publishing the ObjectMonitor* and signaling that a object's monitor 
is inflated is not atomic, more care must be taken (in the presence of 
deflation) so that all threads agree on which ObjectMonitor* to use.

  When encountering an ObjectMonitor with an anonymous owner the thread checks 
its lock stack to see if it is the owner, in which case it removes the object 
from its lock stack and sets itself as the owner of the ObjectMonitor along 
with fixing the recursion level to correspond to the number of removed lock 
stack entires.

  All complications arise from deflation, or the process of disassociating an 
ObjectMonitor from its Java Object. So first the mechanism used for deflation 
is explained. Followed by retrieval and creation of ObjectMonitors.

### Deflation

  An ObjectMonitor can only be deflated if it has no owner, its queues are 
empty and no thread is in a scope where it has incremented and checked the 
contentions reference counter.

  The interactions between deflation and wait is handled by having the owner 
and wait queue entry overlap to blocks out deflation; the wait queue entry is 
protected by a waiters reference counter which is only modified by the waiters 
while holding the monitor, incremented before exiting the monitor and 
decremented after reentering the monitor.

  For enter and exit where the deflator may observe empty queues and no owner a 
two step mechanism is used to synchronize deflation with concurrently locking 
threads; deflation is synchronized using the contentions reference counter.

  In the text below we refer to "holding the contentions reference counter". 
This means that a thread has incremented the contentions reference counter and 
verified that it is not negative.
    if (Atomic::fetch_and_add(&monitor->_contentions, 1) >= 0) {
      // holding the contentions reference counter

#### Deflation protocol

  The first step for the deflator is to try and CAS the owner from no owner to 
a special marker (DEFLATER_MARKER). If this is successful it blocks any 
entering thread from successfully installing themselves as the owner and causes 
compiled code to take a slow path and call into the runtime. 

  The second step for the deflator is to check waiters reference counter and if 
it is 0 try CAS the contentions reference counter from 0 to a large negative 
value (INT_MIN). If this succeeds the monitor is deflated.

  The deflator does not have to check the entry queues because every thread on 
the entry queues must have either hold the contentions reference counter, or 
incremented the waiters reference counter, in the case they were moved from the 
wait queue to the entry queues by a notify. The deflator check the waiters 
reference counter, with the memory ordering of Waiter: { increment waiters 
reference counter; release owner }, Deflator: { acquire owner; check waiters 
reference counter }. All threads on the entry queues or wait queue invariantly 
holds the contentions reference counter or the waiters reference counter.

#### Deflation cleanup

  If deflation succeeds, locking bits are then transitioned back to 0b01 
(Unlocked). With UseObjectMonitorTable it is required that this is done by the 
deflator, or it could lead to ABA problems in the locking bits. Without the 
table the whole ObjectMonitor* is part of the markWord transition, with its 
pointer being phased out of the system with a handshake, making every value 
distinguishable and avoiding ABA issues. 

  For UseObjectMonitorTable the deflated monitor is also removed from the 
table. This is done after transitioning the markWord to allow concurrently 
entering threads to fast lock on the object while the monitor is being removed 
from the hash table.

  If deflation fails after the marker (DEFLATER_MARKER) has been CASed into the 
owner field the owner must be restored. From the deflation threads point of 
view it is as simple as CASing from the marker to no owner. However to not have 
all threads depend on the deflation thread making progress here we allow any 
thread to CAS from the marker if that thread has both incremented and checked 
the contentions counter. This thread has now effectively canceled the 
deflation, but it is important that the deflator observes this fact, we do this 
by forgetting to decrement the contentions counter. The effect is that the 
contentions CAS will fail, which will force the deflator to try and restore the 
owner, but this will also fail because it got canceled. So the deflator 
decrements the contentions counter instead on behalf of the canceling thread to 
balance the reference counting. (Currently this is implemented by doing a +1 +1 
-1 reference count on the locking thread, but a simple only +1 would s

### Retrieve ObjectMonitor

#### HashTable

  Maintains a mapping between Java Objects and ObjectMonitors. Lookups are done 
via the objects identity_hash. If the hash table contains an ObjectMonitor for 
a specific object then that ObjectMonitor is used for locking unless it is 
being deflated. 

  Only deflation removes (not dead) entries inside the HashTable.

#### ThreadLocal Cache (UseObjectMonitorTable)

  The most recently locked ObjectMonitors by a thread are cached in that 
thread's local storage. These are used to elide hash table lookups. These 
caches uses raw oops to make cache lookups trivial. However this requires 
special handling of the cache at safepoints. The caches are cleared when a 
safepoint is triggered (instead of letting the gc visit them), this to avoid 
keeping cache entries as gc roots.

  These cache entires may become deflated, but locking on such a monitor still 
participates in the normal deflation protocol. Because these entries are 
cleared during a safepoint, the handshake performed by monitor deflation to 
phase out ObjectMonitor* from the system will also phase these out.

#### StackLocal Cache

  Each monitorenter has a corresponding BasicLock entry on the stack. Each 
successful inflated monitorenter saves the ObjectMonitor* inside this BasicLock 
entry and retrieves it when performing the corresponding monitorexit.

  This means it is important that the BasicLock entry is always initialized to 
a known state (nullptr is used). 

  The RAII object class CacheSetter is used to ensure that the BasicLock gets 
initialized before leaving the runtime code, and that both caches gets updated 
correctly. (Only once, with the same locked ObjectMonitor).

  The cache entries are set when a monitor is entered and never used again 
after a that monitored has been exited. So there are no interactions with 
deflation here. Similarly these caches does not track the associated oop, but 
rely on the fact that the same BasicLock data created for a monitorenter is 
used when executing the corresponding monitorexit.

### Creating ObjectMonitor

  If retrieval of the ObjectMonitor fails, because there is no ObjectMonitor, 
either because this is the first time inflating or the ObjectMonitor has been 
deflated a new ObjectMonitor must be created and associated with the object.

  The inflating thread will then attempt to insert a newly created 
ObjectMonitor in the hash table. The important invariant is that any 
ObjectMonitor inserted must have an anonymous owner (setting _owner to 

  This solves the issue of not being able to atomically inserting the 
ObjectMonitor in the hash table, and transitioning the markWord to 0b10 
(Inflated). We instead have all inflating threads insert an identical 
anonymously owned ObjectMonitor in the table and then decide ownership based on 
how the markWord is transitioned to 0b10 (Inflated). Note: Only one 
ObjectMonitor can be inserted.

  This also has the effect of blocking deflation on a newly inserted 
ObjectMonitor, until the contentions reference counter can be incremented. The 
contentions reference counter is held while transitioning the markWord to block 
out deflation.

  * If a thread observes 0b10 (Inflated)
    * If the current thread is the thread that fast locked, take ownership.
      Update ObjectMonitor _recursions based on fast locked recursions.
      Call ObjectMonitor::enter(current);
    * Otherwise Some other thread is the owner, and will claim ownership.
      Call ObjectMonitor::enter(current); 
  * If a thread succeeds with the CAS to 0b10 (Inflated)
    * From 0b00 (Fast Locked)
      * If the current thread is the thread that fast locked, take ownership.
        Update ObjectMonitor _recursions based on fast locked recursions.
        Call ObjectMonitor::enter(current);
      * Otherwise Some other thread is the owner, and will claim ownership.
        Call ObjectMonitor::enter(current); 
    * From 0b01 (Unlocked)
      * Claim ownership, no ObjectMonitor::enter is required.
  * If a thread fails the CAS reload markWord and retry

### Un-contended Inflated Locking

  CAS on _owner field in ObjectMonitor.
  JavaThread* (Locked By Thread) <--> nullptr (Unlocked)

### Contended Inflated Locking

  Blocks out deflation.

  Spin CAS on _owner field in ObjectMonitor.
  JavaThread* (Locked By Thread) <--> nullptr (Unlocked)

  Details in ObjectMonitor.hpp

### HashTable Resizing and Cleanup

  Resizing is currently handled with the similar logic to what the string and 
symbol table uses. And is delegated to the ServiceThread.

  The goal is to eventually this to deflation thread, to allow for better 
interactions with the deflation cycles, making it possible to also shrink the 
table. But this will be done incrementally as a separate enhancement. The 
ServiceThread is currently used to deal with the fact that we currently allow 
the deflation thread to be turned off via JVM options.

  Cleanup is mostly handled by the the deflator which actively removes deflated 
monitors, which includes monitors for dead objects. However we allow any thread 
to remove dead objects' ObjectMonitor* associations. But actual memory 
reclamation of the ObjectMonitor is always handled by the deflator.

  The table is currently initialized before `init_globals`, as such the max 
size of the table which is based on `MaxHeapSize` may be incorrect because it 
is not yet finalized.


Commit messages:
 - 8315884: New Object to ObjectMonitor mapping

Changes: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/20067/files
  Webrev: https://webrevs.openjdk.org/?repo=jdk&pr=20067&range=00
  Issue: https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8315884
  Stats: 3613 lines in 70 files changed: 2700 ins; 313 del; 600 mod
  Patch: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/20067.diff
  Fetch: git fetch https://git.openjdk.org/jdk.git pull/20067/head:pull/20067

PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/20067

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