On Thu, 7 Mar 2024 00:54:30 GMT, David Holmes <dhol...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> OK.  It's a good thing HotSpot doesn't need to worry about 
>> priority-inheritance for mutexes.
> Semaphore seems simpler/cleaner and ready to use.

It's such a rare race and unusual condition that we could execute more Java 
code, that I started out with just a shared bit.  Then David suggested a 
semaphore that obeys the safepoint protocol, which seems a lot better.  I've 
literally skimmed over OSThreadWaitState.  It looks like 
Semaphore::wait_with_a_safepoint_check() uses it.  I still don't know why it 

// Note: the ThreadState is legacy code and is not correctly implemented.
// Uses of ThreadState need to be replaced by the state in the JavaThread.

enum ThreadState {

Does a PlatformMutex handle priority-inheritance? It still feels like it would 
be overkill for this usage.  I hope this RecursiveLocker does not become more 
widely used, where we would have to replace the simple implementation with 
something more difficult.  We should discourage further use when possible.


PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/17739#discussion_r1515364466

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