On Mon, 27 Nov 2023 13:23:42 GMT, Thomas Stuefe <stu...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> Joachim Kern has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
>> commit since the last revision:
>>   adopt types
> This now causes problems with 
> https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/pull/16604#issuecomment-1827661214
> since it removes the possibility of silently alternating the file path inside 
> os::dll_load, which would be the preferred way for AIX to handle *.a shared 
> objects. So this causes even more ifdef AIX to bloom up everywhere.
> A much better solution would have been to mimic stable-handle behavior inside 
> the AIX version of `os::dll_load`. 
> Proposal for an alternate solution: Hold dlhandle-to-(inode, devid)tuple 
> mappings in a hash table. On dlopen, look up dl-handle by (inode, filename) 
> tupel. On dlclose, remove entry. Could have been done inside os_aix.cpp 
> without any changes to shared coding, and would have provided complete 
> coverage for all users of dll_load.

> @tstuefe: Hi Thomas, I'm not sure if I got it. We can make (inode, devid) to 
> a hash, which replaces the dlhandle on return of os::dlload. This hash would 
> of course be the same if the same library is loaded twice. But I do not know 
> how to handle the two real dlhandles.

Why do you need two dlhandles? 

A handle returned from dlopen should be valid for the whole process. If you 
cache that in a hashmap, and for the second caller of os::dll_load() return the 
cached variant, this should work, no?


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/15583#issuecomment-1828019003

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