On Fri, 17 Nov 2023 21:19:05 GMT, Daniel D. Daugherty <dcu...@openjdk.org> 

>> Serguei Spitsyn has updated the pull request incrementally with one 
>> additional commit since the last revision:
>>   review: add comment for new ThreadsListHandle use
> src/hotspot/share/prims/jvmtiEventController.cpp line 374:
>> 372:   // Protects any existing JavaThread's from being terminated while it 
>> is set.
>> 373:   // The FJP carrier thread compensating mechanism can create carrier 
>> threads concurrently.
>> 374:   ThreadsListHandle tlh(current);
> A ThreadsListHandle does not prevent a JavaThread from being terminated. It
> prevents a JavaThread from exiting and being freed. The JavaThread is able to
> set the terminated state on itself, but will not be able to complete exiting 
> while
> it is on a ThreadsListHandle. There is a subtle difference.
> There's a `target` JavaThread that is fetched from a `JvmtiThreadState` object
> and that `target` JavaThread is only protected by this `tlh` if `target` is 
> included
> in the ThreadsList that was captured by this `tlh`. In all likelihood, there 
> should be
> a ThreadsListHandle farther up the stack that's protecting the JavaThread from
> which the `JvmtiThreadState` object was extracted and passed to this function.
> As for carrier threads, if they are created _after_ this `tlh` was created, 
> then this
> `tlh` cannot protect them because they won't be on this `tlh`'s ThreadsList.

Thank you for the comment, Dan!
Agreed, the comment needs to be corrected in two aspects.
I tried to simplify it but failed to do it correctly.
It is interesting that there is a `ThreadsListHandle` farther up the stack but 
it does not help sometimes.
It is observed that a `JavaThread` (of a carrier thread) referenced from the  
`JvmtiThreadState` object can be just created, so we need a `ThreadsListHandle` 
to avoid possible asserts. With this fix in place I do not see the asserts 
fired anymore.


PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/16686#discussion_r1398200015

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