On Wed, 14 Jun 2023 09:30:49 GMT, Kevin Walls <kev...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> This test fails when additional threads are created, as it compares thread 
> lists from different sources and sees a mismatch.
> It needs to tolerate some threads with certain names appearing, e.g. JVMCI 
> and ForkJoin threads.  If there are extra threads in the thread ID list from 
> the ThreadMBean, remove them from the thread count before comparing.
> When it fails, additionally print the ids and names of threads that it got 
> from the MBean.
> I found the test quite confusing, the naming of thread counts, arrays of 
> threads, and arrays of thread stacktraces from different sources, so have 
> renamed some things.

I agree with David and would be concerned this test will be whack-a-mole to 
deal with other cases. It would be a lot simpler to have a test that creates a 
number of threads, then uses Thread.getAllThreadStacks + 
ThreadMXBean.getAllThreadIds to that the expected list of threads are included. 
If the current thread is not a virtual thread then it can check that it is 
included too. If you really want to check that both methods return the same 
list of threads then I think it will need to loop + backoff when the threads 
aren't the same.


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/14465#issuecomment-1592424397

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