On Tue, 6 Jun 2023 20:01:02 GMT, Christine Flood <d...@openjdk.org> wrote:
> We'd like to propose to push now, and tackle/fix the single-gen issue you > identified during RDP1, as well as any other significant single-gen > regressions that may come up. We have four Shen experts on board, Roman, > Aleksey, Kelvin, and William, so believe it's doable before RDP2 in July. In > the worst case that we fail, we'd emulate ZGC and move GenShen to it's own > directory as an entirely separate collector before RDP2. Make sense? Unsolicited advice: If you’re planning for this amount of change during RDP 1 then I’d say that you’re not ready for RDP 1. If this patch were less isolated from the rest of HotSpot then I’d be extremely nervous. ------------- PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/14185#issuecomment-1579385819