On Fri, 14 Apr 2023 19:23:05 GMT, Kevin Walls <kev...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> This test is failing often since 8304725 added a call to 
> Thread::current_in_asgct().  This can end up being called e.g. when resolving 
> calls, and then the OS last error value is lost.
> The test is reliable with a single warm-up call to getLastError.invoke() 
> before the loop.
> The test was introduced when in JDK-8292302 a change was undone that had made 
> JavaThread::threadObj call Thread::current_or_null_safe, as the use of TLS 
> upset this case of accessing last error directly.
> This new Thread::current_in_asgct() case shows that the VM will find new ways 
> to interfere with the last error value, or at least new VM code keeps wanting 
> to call Thread::current.  This testcase is kind of niche usage, so it not an 
> argument that VM code should not be calling Thread::current.   If this test 
> is to stay active, it needs to have this warm-up getLastError call.  (If 
> there are more issues, it might mean removing the test.)

I guess I don't understand the purpose of having this test if it is just going 
to work around the underlying issue it is suppose to be testing for. Does it 
serve a purpose still? Does it still correctly detect the fix that was done for 


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/13481#issuecomment-1509287280

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