On Thu, 17 Nov 2022 09:23:48 GMT, Erik Österlund <eosterl...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> src/hotspot/share/gc/shared/barrierSetStackChunk.cpp line 68:
>>> 66: 
>>> 67:   virtual void do_oop(oop* p) override {
>>> 68:     if (UseCompressedOops) {
>> Wouldn't it be better to hoist the check for `UseCompressedOops`?
> The compiler should be able to do that already. We devirtualize calls into 
> oop closures, and the closure is stack allocated. So the compiler should be 
> able to do that if it finds that it is a good idea. I'd prefer to leave that 
> to the compiler.

`CompressOopsOopClosure::do_oop()` and `FrameOopIterator::oops_do()` are 
defined in different compilation units. So calls to `do_oop()` cannot be 
devirtualized or am I missing something?
 Mistaken or not, I'm ok with this version.

>> src/hotspot/share/gc/shenandoah/shenandoahBarrierSetStackChunk.cpp line 30:
>>> 28: 
>>> 29: void ShenandoahBarrierSetStackChunk::encode_gc_mode(stackChunkOop 
>>> chunk, OopIterator* oop_iterator) {
>>> 30:   // Nothing to do
>> Shenandoah allows `UseCompressedOops` enabled, doesn't it? Isn't it 
>> necessary then to do the encoding as in the super class?
> No we don't convert the oops for Shenandoah. Instead, Shenandoah's closures 
> know how to deal with both oop* and narrowOop* on the heap, and will get 
> passed the appropriate type of pointer. So it doesn't use the bitmap. I have 
> tested that it works with Shenandoah as well.

Interesting and good to know.


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/11111

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