[zfs-discuss] EON ZFS Storage 0.60.0 based on snv 130, Sun-set release!

2010-04-05 Thread Andre Lue
Embedded Operating system/Networking (EON), RAM based live ZFS NAS appliance is released on Genunix! This release marks the end of SXCE releases and Sun Microsystems as we know it! It is dubbed the Sun-set release! Many thanks to Al at Genunix.org for download hosting and serving the Opensolaris

[zfs-discuss] EON ZFS Storage 0.59.4 based on snv_124 released!

2009-10-19 Thread Andre Lue
Embedded Operating system/Networking (EON), RAM based live ZFS NAS appliance is released on Genunix! Many thanks to Genunix.org for download hosting and serving the opensolaris community. EON ZFS storage is available in a 32/64-bit CIFS and Samba versions: tryitEON 64-bit x86 CIFS ISO image vers

[zfs-discuss] EON ZFS Storage 0.59.5 based on snv 125 released!

2009-12-03 Thread Andre Lue
Embedded Operating system/Networking (EON), RAM based live ZFS NAS appliance is released on Genunix! Many thanks to Al Hopper and Genunix.org for download hosting and serving the opensolaris community. EON ZFS storage is available in a 32/64-bit CIFS and Samba versions: tryitEON 64-bit x86 CIFS

[zfs-discuss] Dedupe asynchronous mode?

2009-12-11 Thread Andre Lue
I'm a bit unclear how to use/try de-duplication in asynchronous mode? Can someone kindly clarify? Is it as simple as enabling then disabling after something completes? Thanks -- This message posted from opensolaris.org ___ zfs-discuss mailing list zfs

[zfs-discuss] EON ZFS Storage 0.59.9 based on snv 129, Deduplication release!

2009-12-21 Thread Andre Lue
Embedded Operating system/Networking (EON), RAM based live ZFS NAS appliance is released on Genunix! This is the first EON release with inline Deduplication features! Many thanks to Genunix.org for download hosting and serving the opensolaris community. EON Deduplication ZFS storage is availabl

Re: [zfs-discuss] Storage 7000

2008-11-18 Thread Andre Lue
Is the web interface on the appliance available for download or will it make it to opensolaris sometime in the near future? thanks -- This message posted from opensolaris.org ___ zfs-discuss mailing list zfs-discuss@opensolaris.org http://mail.opensola

Re: [zfs-discuss] Storage 7000

2008-11-19 Thread Andre Lue
Refering to the web gui or bui seen here http://blogs.sun.com/brendan/entry/status_dashboard -- This message posted from opensolaris.org ___ zfs-discuss mailing list zfs-discuss@opensolaris.org http://mail.opensolaris.org/mailman/listinfo/zfs-discuss

Re: [zfs-discuss] eon or nexentacore or opensolaris

2009-06-14 Thread Andre Lue
Js.lists, My needs are: * Easy package management There is no pkgadd or ips included in EON. You can however add IPS and retrieve any of its available packages. * Easy upgrades EON is fairly easy to upgrade and the risk is low. All you have to do is preserve your previous image before upgrading

Re: [zfs-discuss] eon or nexentacore or opensolaris

2009-06-14 Thread Andre Lue
Hi Bogdan, I'd recommend the following RAM minimums for a fair balance of performance. 700Mb 32-bit 1Gb 64-bit -- This message posted from opensolaris.org ___ zfs-discuss mailing list zfs-discuss@opensolaris.org http://mail.opensolaris.org/mailman/l

[zfs-discuss] Something wrong with zfs mount

2009-07-20 Thread Andre Lue
I have noticed this in snv_114 now at 117. I have the following filesystems. fs was created using zfs create pool/fs movies created using zfs create pool/fs/movies pool/fs/movies pool/fs/music pool/fs/photos pool/fs/archives at boot /lib/svc/method/fs-local fails where zfs mount -a is called. fa

Re: [zfs-discuss] Something wrong with zfs mount

2009-07-21 Thread Andre Lue
Hi Ian, Thanks for the the reply. I will check your recommendation when I get a chance. However this happens on any zfs that have hierarchical zfs filesystems. I noticed it started this problem since snv_114. This same filesystem structure last worked fine with snv_110. -- This message posted

Re: [zfs-discuss] When writing to SLOG at full speed all disk IO is blocked

2009-07-26 Thread Andre Lue
byleal, Can you share how to recreate or test this? -- This message posted from opensolaris.org ___ zfs-discuss mailing list zfs-discuss@opensolaris.org http://mail.opensolaris.org/mailman/listinfo/zfs-discuss

Re: [zfs-discuss] [storage-discuss] ZFS and deduplication

2009-08-02 Thread Andre Lue
Was de-duplication slated for snv_119? If not can anyone say which snv_xxx and in which form will we see it (synchronous, asynchronous both)? -- This message posted from opensolaris.org ___ zfs-discuss mailing list zfs-discuss@opensolaris.org http://mai

[zfs-discuss] EON ZFS NAS 0.59.2 based on snv_119 released

2009-08-07 Thread Andre Lue
EON 64-bit x86 CIFS ISO image version 0.59.2 based on snv_119 * eon-0.592-119-64-cifs.iso * MD5: a8560cf9b407c9da846dfa773aeaf676 * Size: ~87Mb * Released: Friday 07-August-2009 EON 64-bit x86 Samba ISO image version 0.59.2 based on snv_119 * eon-0.592-119-64-smb.iso * MD5:

[zfs-discuss] De-duplication before SXCE EOL ?

2009-09-10 Thread Andre Lue
Can anyone answer if we will get zfs de-duplication before SXCE EOL? If possible also anser the same on encryption? Thanks -- This message posted from opensolaris.org ___ zfs-discuss mailing list zfs-discuss@opensolaris.org http://mail.opensolaris.org/

[zfs-discuss] EON 0.59.3 based on snv_122 released

2009-09-15 Thread Andre Lue
EON ZFS NAS 0.59.3 based on snv_122 released! Embedded Operating system/Networking (EON), RAM based live ZFS NAS appliance is released on Genunix! Much thanks to Al at Genunix.org for download hosting and serving the opensolaris community. It is available in a CIFS and Samba flavor EON 64-bit x8

[zfs-discuss] ZFS and thin provisioning

2007-02-01 Thread Andre Lue
I found this article (http://www.cuddletech.com/blog/pivot/entry.php?id=729) but I have 2 questions. I am trying the steps on Opensolaris build 54. Since you create the filesystem with newfs, isn't that really a ufs filesystem running on top of zfs? Also I haven't been able to do anything in the

[zfs-discuss] Re: ZFS limits on zpool snapshots

2007-02-01 Thread Andre Lue
As far as I know the recalled on paper number of snapshots you can have in a filesystem is 2^48. This message posted from opensolaris.org ___ zfs-discuss mailing list zfs-discuss@opensolaris.org http://mail.opensolaris.org/mailman/listinfo/zfs-discus

[zfs-discuss] Re: ZFS and thin provisioning

2007-02-02 Thread Andre Lue
thanks Darren! I got led down the wrong path by following newfs. Now my other question is. How would you add raw storage to the vtank (virtual filesystem) as the usage approached the current underlying raw storage? Would you going forward just simply in the normal fashion ( i will try this when

[zfs-discuss] ZFS webadmin

2007-07-02 Thread Andre Lue
Does anyone know the minimum packages needed to make the ZFS webadmin work? So far It seems you need Java, SUNWjato, tomcat. thanks This message posted from opensolaris.org ___ zfs-discuss mailing list zfs-discuss@opensolaris.org http://mail.opensol

[zfs-discuss] ZFS and thin provisioning

2007-09-19 Thread Andre Lue
Greets, Is anyone here using ZFS as a thin provisioned storage solution in production. If so could you kindly share your experiences and techniques, adding physical backing etc. thanks This message posted from opensolaris.org ___ zfs-discuss mail

[zfs-discuss] zfs mount -a intermittent

2007-11-15 Thread Andre Lue
I have a slimmed down install on on_b61 and sometimes when the box is rebooted it fails to automatically remount the pool. Most cases if I login and run "zfs mount -a" it will mount. Some cases I have to reboot again. Can someone provide some insight as to what may be going on here? truss captu

[zfs-discuss] zfs pool does remount automatically

2008-01-07 Thread Andre Lue
I have a slimmed down build on 61 and 72. None of these systems are automatically remounting the zpool on a reboot. zfs list returns "no datasets available" zpool list returns "no pools available" zfs mount -v -a runs but doesn't mount the filesystem. I usually have to do a zpool import -f po

Re: [zfs-discuss] Can't access my data

2008-01-18 Thread Andre Lue
I seem to remember hostid being added to the zpool to solve a bug for the poor man's storage cluster. Trying doing a zdb -v ( you should see 4 copies and note if hostid is a field and if it differs from the current one) you can also try a zpool import -f -a I've seen cases where zfs mount -v

Re: [zfs-discuss] zpool create privileges

2008-04-18 Thread Andre Lue
do ppriv -e -D cmd and you will see the privs you need to add. This message posted from opensolaris.org ___ zfs-discuss mailing list zfs-discuss@opensolaris.org http://mail.opensolaris.org/mailman/listinfo/zfs-discuss