quick and stupid question: I'm breaking my head over how to tunz
zfs_arc_min on a running system. There must be some magic word to pipe
into mdb -kw but I forgot it. I tried /etc/system but it's still at the
old value after reboot:
ZFS Tunables (/etc/system):
set zfs:zfs_arc_min =
2011/9/13 Paul Kraus :
> The only tools I have found that work with zfs ACLs are the native zfs
> tools (zfs send / recv), the native Solaris tools (cp, mv, etc.), and
> Symantec NetBackup. I have not tried other commercial backup systems
> as we already have NBU in house.
cpio, possibly?
On Wed, Oct 05, 2011 at 07:28:02PM -0700, Paul Kraus wrote:
> I have been told by Oracle Support (not first line, but someone
> from engineering in response to an escalation) that the code is done
> to put aclmode back in, and that an IDR can probably be cut against
> the 10U10 kernel. They a