Actually this would explain the behavior, probably because I have regular
snapshots taken every hour it does restart scrub and that is why I am seeing it.
Is there any way to disable scrub untill this is fixed? Or somehow prevent them
from starting? I can certainly add additional line to a scrip
This did work and all activity is stopped. :) Thank you.
On Tue, 9 May 2006, Eric Schrock wrote:
On Tue, May 09, 2006 at 11:04:05AM -0400, Krzys wrote:
Ys, I did tun that command but it was quite a few days ago... :( Would it
take that long to complete? I would never imagine it would..
On Tue, May 09, 2006 at 11:04:05AM -0400, Krzys wrote:
> Ys, I did tun that command but it was quite a few days ago... :( Would it
> take that long to complete? I would never imagine it would... Is there any
> way to stop it?
Are you taking regular snapshots? There is currently a bug whereby
Ys, I did tun that command but it was quite a few days ago... :( Would it take
that long to complete? I would never imagine it would... Is there any way to
stop it?
On Tue, 9 May 2006, Bill Sommerfeld wrote:
On Tue, 2006-05-09 at 09:44, Krzys wrote:
scrub: scrub in progress, 35.37%
On Tue, 2006-05-09 at 09:44, Krzys wrote:
> scrub: scrub in progress, 35.37% done, 1h1m to go
> Any idea what is going on and why there is so much reading going on?
see above. someone must have done a "zpool scrub" recently.
(unfortunate that it doesn't tell you when the scrub started..)
I am running zfs set on 3 x 300gb HD's, I do see my disk activity going crazy
all the time, is there any reason for it? I have nothing running on this system,
just did setit up for testing purposes. I do replicate data from different
system once a day trough rsync but that is quick process an