Are the indicated devices actually under /pseudo or are they really
under /devices/pseudo ?
Also, have you tried a 'devfsadm -C' to re-configure the /dev links?
this might allow you to recognize the new vpath devices...
On 5/29/2010 4:53 PM, morris hooten wrote:
I have 6 zfs po
Also, the zpool.cache may be out of date. To clear its entries,
zpool export poas43m01
and ignore any errors.
zpool import
and see if the pool is shown as importable, perhaps with new device names.
If not, then try the zpool import -d option that Mark described.
-- richar
Can you find the devices in /dev/rdsk? I see there is a path in /pseudo at
least, but the zpool import command only looks in /dev. One thing you can try
is doing this:
# mkdir /tmpdev
# ln -s /pseudo/vpat...@1:1 /tmpdev/vpath1a
And then see if 'zpool import -d /tmpdev' finds the pool.
On 2
On 30 maj 2010, at 01.53, morris hooten wrote:
> I have 6 zfs pools and after rebooting init 6 the vpath device path names
> have changed for some unknown reason. But I can't detach, remove and reattach
> to the new device namesANY HELP! please
> pjde43m01 - - - - FA
I have 6 zfs pools and after rebooting init 6 the vpath device path names have
changed for some unknown reason. But I can't detach, remove and reattach to the
new device namesANY HELP! please
pjde43m01 - - - - FAULTED -
pjde43m02 - - - - FAULTED -