On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 10:24:26AM +0200, Johan Hartzenberg wrote:
> Similarly, adding a device into a raid-Z vdev seems easy to do: All future
> writes include that device in the list of devices from which to allocate
> blocks.
In general, I agree completely. But in practice there are limitatio
On 18 December, 2008 - Johan Hartzenberg sent me these 2,7K bytes:
> Hello ZFS gurus and fellow fans.
> As we all know ZFS does not _yet_ support relayout of pools. I want to know
> whether there is any hope for this to become available in the near future?
Hello ZFS gurus and fellow fans.
As we all know ZFS does not _yet_ support relayout of pools. I want to know
whether there is any hope for this to become available in the near future?
>From my outside view it sounds like it should be possible to set a flag to
stop allocating new blocks from a sp