Yeah, I'd seen that, but we're only going to be running 100 users so the boot
time shouldn't be too bad. :-)
This message posted from
zfs-discuss mailing list
Yes it will work, and quite nicely indeed. But you need to be careful.
Currently ZFS mounting is not "instantaneous", if you have like say 3
users, you might be for a rude surprize as system takes its own merry time (~
few hrs) mounting them at next reboot. Even with auto mounter, things won
Well, it looks like I've solved the question of whether you can auto-create the
folders. There's a nice little samba script that you can add to the share to
do it for you:
Samba's root preexec share parameter can really come in handy when settin
Hey folks,
This may sound a little crazy, but I'm a long time windows admin planning on
rolling out a Solaris server to act as our main filestore, and I could do with
a bit of advice.
The main reason for switching is so we can use snapshots. With Samba and
Microsoft's Shadow Copy Client we ca