Hi Hung-sheng,
It is not displaying any output, like the following.
bash-3.2# zpool import -nF tXstpool
*Thanks & Regards,*
zfs-discuss mailing list
Hi Hung-sheng,
Thanks for your response.
I tried to import the zpool using *zpool import -nF tXstpool*
please consider the below output.
*bash-3.2# zpool import -nF tXstpool
bash-3.2# zpool status tXstpool
cannot open 'tXstpool': no such pool
I got these meesages when I run the comm
Dear ZFS-Users,
I am using Solarisx86 10u10, All the devices which are belongs to my zpool
are in available state .
But I am unable to import the zpool.
#zpool import tXstpool
cannot import 'tXstpool': one or more devices is currently unavailable
bash-3.2# zpool import