Thanks for your reply!
This is pretty much what SUN said. So, considering the ~3 months that ZFS has
been available to us customers (late June release of Solaris 10 6/06) one can
only imagine that it is not as stable yet and there will be so some patches to
This mess
Hello experts,
My client is thinking about changing one of their servers running Solaris 8
(NIS Hub to mention something) to a server running Solaris 10.
The question that i have given is to check the differences or if you wish the
status/stability of changing VXvm with DMP (Dynamic Multi Pathi
Thanks for your answer Eric!
I don't see any problem mounting a filesystem under 'legacy' options as long as
i can have the freedom of ZFS features by being able to add/remove/play around
with disks really!
I tested the 'zfs mount -a' and of course my /var/log[b]/test[/b] became
visible and my
Is a ZFS filesystem visible in Single-user mode ? I would like to have /var/log
as an example under ZFS control and /export/home may be another candidate.
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zfs-discuss mailing lis
Thanks for a quick answer. I suppose it was not much of a ZFS question after
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zfs-discuss mailing list
Greetings all,
I have been given the task of playing around with ZFS and a StorEdge 9970 (HDS
9970) disk array. This setup will be duplicated into a production system later
with zones as well.
Since i am new to ZFS and big storage array's such as the 9970 i have a few
thoughts/questions that