Thank you very much!
This is exactly what i searched for!
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zfs-discuss mailing list
So there is no possibility to do this with or before the lucreate command?
hm. well-
thank you anyway then
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zfs-discuss mailing list
Thx for your quick answer, but that is exactly what i am trying: to manage this
by lucreate command or earlier.
The reason for that is VERY small volumes.
I hope it is possible to create the BE without using much diskspace.. and swap
is a little chance to get at least some space.. now it is on 5
Good morning everybody
I was migrating my ufs – rootfilesystem to a zfs – one, but was a little upset
finding out that it became bigger (what was clear because of the swap and dump
Now I am questioning myself if it is possible to set the swap and dump size by
using the lucreate – comman