Thanks for your input, its good to read that not all are to positive. I will do
a lot more testing before i do the final choice.
I have never tested more than 3-5vm's on sata raids, but we use 40x sata with
great result our backup box, but then its only 1 servers.
does anybody have some numbe
Will the IOPS in the mirrored setup be so good, that a ssd cache disk might not
be needed? And i then might go for 10 x mirror with 2 x 1tb instead of 9? I
really dont think that space will be an issue on this system as we for now are
using about 3tb, and i have been testing compression with gre
I am looking at a nas software from nexenta, and after some initial testing i
like what i see. So i think we will find in funding the budget for a dual
We are looking at a dual cpu Supermicro server with about 32gb ram and 2 x250gb
OS disks, 21 x 1TB SATA disks, and 1 x 64gb SSD disk.