On Tue, Dec 19, 2006 at 02:55:59PM -0500, Rince wrote:
> "zpool import" should give you a list of all the pools ZFS sees as being
> mountable. "zpool import [poolname]" is also, conveniently, the command used
> to mount the pool afterward. :)
> If it doesn't show up there, I'll be surprised.
Hi All,
I've got svn_50 installed on my laptop (i386). Have downloaded and did
a nightly build based on on-src-b54.tar.bz2, on-closed-bins-b54.i386.tar.bz2,
SUNWonbld-b54.i386.tar.bz2, etc. After the nightly build, I did an
"Install -G kernel.foo -k i86pc" then "reboot -- 'kernel.foo/amd64/unix'",