On Nov 6, 2009, at 11:23 PM, "Paul B. Henson" wrote:
NFSv3 gss:
damien cfservd # mount -o sec=krb5p ike.unx.csupomona.edu:/export/
user/henson /mnt
hen...@damien /mnt/sgid_test $ ls -ld
drwx--s--x+ 2 henson iit 2 Nov 6 20:14 .
hen...@damien /mnt/sgid_test $ mkdir gss
hen...@damien /mnt/
>Am I right to assume ZFS currently doesn't support the least privilege model ?
>I'm trying to make bacula run as non root on zfs and be able to restore
>files a non-root with the correct least privilege modes but when I
>enable debugging with ppriv -D I get
>Nov 5 20:39:27 corona genun
Marco van Wieringen wrote:
Am I right to assume ZFS currently doesn't support the least privilege model ?
No you are not correct it does support privileges.
I'm trying to make bacula run as non root on zfs and be able to restore
files a non-root with the correct least privilege modes but
>On Thu, 5 Nov 2009, Chris Du wrote:
>> I think I finally see what you mean.
>> # luactivate b126
>> System has findroot enabled GRUB
>> ERROR: Unable to determine the configuration of the current boot environment
>> .
>Hmm. Does this mean that lupgrading from b121 to b126 will also fail