Re: [yocto] Usage of yocto on different (production vs debug) scenarios

2018-04-20 Thread Uwe Geuder
nt? E.g. in your distro-production.conf PNBLACKLIST[iptables] = "we don't want iptables in product" Of course if something has a hard dependency on iptables, the something might need blacklisting instead or too. Regards, Uwe Geuder Neuro Event Labs Oy Tampere, Finland

Re: [yocto] Usage of yocto on different (production vs debug) scenarios

2018-04-20 Thread Uwe Geuder
Following up on my own message... On Fri, Apr 20, 2018 at 1:47 PM, Uwe Geuder wrote: > On Fri, Apr 20, 2018 at 10:59 AM, Iván Castell > wrote: > [...] >> However, things are getting complicated, because there is no way to >> exclude some recipes easily. For example, w

[yocto] creating your own distro layer

2018-04-20 Thread Uwe Geuder
e? Why does the poky code violate the test condition of not setting DISTRO? Or is nobody supposed to "require" poky.conf? I could of course copy the contents, but copying code is usually not a good idea. Thanks for reading until here, couldn't formulate it shorter

Re: [yocto] Usage of yocto on different (production vs debug) scenarios

2018-04-23 Thread Uwe Geuder
is used to to avoid rebuilds. So how could I benefit from having state information in some SSTATE_DIR already? I have to build it anyway, because my build area is empty to begin with. The 2nd aspect, sharing over distros was covered in the other message. On Mon, Apr 23, 2018 at 6:10 PM, Burton, Ross

Re: [yocto] building recipe with buildtools, causes sanity error: Your system needs to support the en_US.UTF-8 locale.

2018-04-25 Thread Uwe Geuder
n_US.UTF-8") 'en_US.UTF-8' E.g. in Ubuntu the locale is listed by "locale -a" as en_US.utf8 but that works fine. Regards, Uwe Geuder Neuro Event Labs Oy Tampere, Finland uwe.gexder at (Bot check: fix one obvious typo) -- ___

Re: [yocto] building recipe with buildtools, causes sanity error: Your system needs to support the en_US.UTF-8 locale.

2018-04-25 Thread Uwe Geuder
Correcting myself... On Wed, Apr 25, 2018 at 10:41 AM, Uwe Geuder wrote: [...] > > Bitbake uses Python. To make things more confusing the locales in Python > are not necessarily named the same way as in your underlying distro and > there can be aliases. > > In the end this

Re: [yocto] building recipe with buildtools, causes sanity error: Your system needs to support the en_US.UTF-8 locale.

2018-04-25 Thread Uwe Geuder
/ Ah, buildtools come with their own locale. So my previous message was probably not applicable for users of buildtools. Sorry about the noise! Regards, Uwe Geuder Neuro Event Labs Oy Tampere, Finland uwe.gexder at (Bot check

Re: [yocto] Wrong file's ownership in rootfs.

2018-05-11 Thread Uwe Geuder
SS_COMMANDS, but have never tried for chown. I am not sure whether you have access to symbolic user/group names in your recipe. Depending on what you have done with useradd, the numerical id might not be fixed. I vaguely remember that I have used DEPENDS += "my-useradd" in a recipe. I thi

Re: [yocto] ldd

2018-05-22 Thread Uwe Geuder
e found in every cross >toolchain. > >-Chris > I don't think that is correct. readelf only shows static information embedded into the binary. ldd does runtime lookup obeying e.g. the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. It also has options -r and -u for actually doing the relocati

[yocto] Why can diffsigs take sometimes really looooong?

2018-07-13 Thread Uwe Geuder
that makes a difference. Regards, Uwe Geuder Neuro Event Labs Oy Tampere, Finland (Bot check: fix one obvious typo) -- ___ yocto mailing list

Re: [yocto] Why can diffsigs take sometimes really looooong?

2018-07-16 Thread Uwe Geuder
Thanks for your reply! On Sun, Jul 15, 2018 at 1:38 PM, Richard Purdie wrote: > On Fri, 2018-07-13 at 19:18 +0300, Uwe Geuder wrote: >> At times I find the diffsigs command useful/educational to understand >> what is going on in my build. >> >> $ bitbake-diffsigs -t m

[yocto] How to write a distro layer?

2018-08-03 Thread Uwe Geuder
t's documented. Any thoughts what I might be missing? Regards, Uwe Uwe Geuder Neuro Event Labs Oy Tampere, Finland (Bot check: fix one obvious typo) -- ___ yocto mailing list

Re: [yocto] How to write a distro layer?

2018-08-03 Thread Uwe Geuder
Thanks Vincent for your quick reply! On Fri, Aug 3, 2018 at 12:44 PM, Vincent Prince wrote: > 2018-08-03 10:39 GMT+02:00 Uwe Geuder : >>One of the few informations I could find about how to create my own >>layer was something like >>https://www.

Re: [yocto] adding own shell script

2018-10-29 Thread Uwe Geuder
al/mega-manual.html#var-IMAGE_INSTALL b.) indirectly by making some package already in your image runtime-depend on your new package

Re: [yocto] adding own shell script to the image

2018-10-29 Thread Uwe Geuder
hat your current search path is you can always check from the output of bitbake -e Regards, Uwe Geuder Neuro Event Labs Oy Tampere, Finland uwe.gexder at (Bot check: fix one obvious typo) -- ___ yocto mailing list yocto

Re: [yocto] Moving to Yocto 2.3 - recipe-specific sysroots - improving the documentation

2018-10-30 Thread Uwe Geuder
t least in theory 2 sysroots could be involved. From the text in the manual I do not understand which one they mean and what they try to explain. So yes, I agree that the documentation should be clarified. Unfortunatly I am not in the situation to suggest the solution. Regards, Uwe Geuder Neuro

Re: [yocto] Removing hostapd init file

2018-11-01 Thread Uwe Geuder
ears... Maybe update-rc.d requires the typcial comment section at the beginning. If so you just add it. Or actually if update-rc.d refers to the comment section in the beginning of the script you could add a patch that changes the Default-Start: value to empty (or some runlevel you

Re: [yocto] Kernel development using externalsrc

2018-11-03 Thread Uwe Geuder
dates to cause rebuilds. To get the whole truth in your build call... $ bitbake-diffsigs -t linux-libc-headers configure ... after you made a small kernel edit and rebuilt. Regards, Uwe Uwe Geuder Neuro Event Labs Oy Tampere, Finland uwe.gexder at (Bot check: fix one obvious t

[yocto] Busybox_1.23.2 fails at do_compile on Poky-Sumo

2018-11-04 Thread Uwe Geuder
x27;t really expect that it would solve your issue here, updating to 2.5.1 should be painless if you are on 2.5 already. Uwe Geuder Neuro Event Labs Oy Tampere, Finland uwe.gexder at (Bot check: fix one obvious typo) -- _

Re: [yocto] Set linux capabilities on binary on a recipe in meta-oe layer

2018-11-09 Thread Uwe Geuder
/mega-manual.html#var- ROOTFS_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND This is done in your image recipe. Regards, Uwe Geuder Neuro Event Labs Oy Tampere, Finland (Bot check: fix one obvious typo) -- ___ yocto mailing list

Re: [yocto] so how does PACKAGECONFIG_remove really work?

2018-11-09 Thread Uwe Geuder
ented only in a separate Bitbake User Manual. Regards, Uwe Geuder Neuro Event Labs Oy Tampere, Finland (Bot check: fix one obvious typo) -- ___ yocto mailing list

Re: [yocto] Set linux capabilities on binary on a recipe in meta-oe layer

2018-11-13 Thread Uwe Geuder
_COMMAND > Sometimes the problem is that parts of the underscored function name are seen > as overrides, so you should try using "mysetcapfunction" instead as a name. > That has never happened to me and I use underscores in my function names. But I could imagine that it'