Github Gists of the recipes:
I am not sure why isn't this python3-datetime module available on board even
though I have explicitly mentioned it i
Hi Brian,
What you need in the .bb is a runtime-dependency. RDEPENDS_${PN} += “
${PYTHON_PN}-flask ${PYTHON_PN}-jinja ${PYTHON_PN}-markdown” and so on. This
will add these modules in the root-filesystem and will be available on the
If you need some basic help with a python recip
Hello BrianZ and all in the list,
I answered the StackExchange Query
This is just my shot at creating custom python application in Yocto. There
is clearly a lack of documentation
the application installed. I believe that the "inherit setuptools" will
automatically run "python setup.py install", but when then is the source code
manually copied over?
On Thu, Oct 4, 2018 at 2:13 AM Shantanoo Desai mailto:de...@uni-bremen.de> > wrote:
Hi Brian,
How do I create a recipe for golang open-source repositories using devtool?
Does it require having Golang installed on the Host machine?
I understand that one needs to add `inherit go` within the recipe but I am
looking for a more concrete example as a reference.
Initial Steps:
() within the
recipe in order for the cli to be available for me on my target
Any help would be appreciated.
M.Sc. Shantanoo Desai
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbetier
Informations- und kommunikationstechnische Anwendungen in der Produktion
BIBA- Bremer Institut für Produktion und
Hello All,
I was looking to get some information about using Windows for Yocto. I have
seen some mention of Docker to use Yocto however I am completely unaware if
there are already manuals or so available for the same.
Particularly, I was looking for Embedded Applications that are developed
Foundation but I could not find any
guide to create some basic CI stuff for Yocto.
Any help or suggestions in this direction would be appreciated.
M.Sc. Shantanoo Desai
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbetier
Informations- und kommunikationstechnische Anwendungen in der Produktion
I have been using InfluxDB older version on an Embedded Board through Yocto
and was wondering if there is already someone on the list using the above
mentioned Stacks:
Telegraf, InfluxDB, Kapacitor
If not can someone guide me how to actually get them into recipes for them?
Not sure