[yocto] Adding nInvaders game package recipe

2018-09-19 Thread Mohamed Youseif
Hi, I want to add the invaders game package to my image that I had built before and tested, so I used the command "recipetool create -V 1.0 https://github.com/TheZ3ro/ninvaders.git"; to make my custom recipe, then I had to append this package to my image by appending the package name to IMAGE_I

Re: [yocto] Adding nInvaders game package recipe

2018-09-20 Thread Mohamed Youseif
akefiles: it is harder than it looks. This makefile probably isn't respecting CFLAGS/LD/LDFLAGS either. Ross On Thu, 20 Sep 2018 at 11:00, Mohamed Youseif wrote: > > I had run the command and it prints out that: > > nInvaders: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dy

Re: [yocto] Adding nInvaders game package recipe

2018-09-20 Thread Mohamed Youseif
as CC=gcc From: Burton, Ross Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2018 11:28 AM To: mohamedyous...@outlook.com Cc: Yocto-mailing-list Subject: Re: [yocto] Adding nInvaders game package recipe On Thu, 20 Sep 2018 at 10:01, Mohamed Youseif wrote: > I had changed

Re: [yocto] Adding nInvaders game package recipe

2018-09-20 Thread Mohamed Youseif
autotools class, which assumes correct use of both autoconf and automake. Specifically, your hand-written Makefile doesn't handle out-of-tree builds. Change the inherit from autotools to autotools-brokensep, and I expect that will fix the build. Ross On Wed, 19 Sep 2018 at 12:08, Mohamed Yo

Re: [yocto] yocto Digest, Vol 99, Issue 26

2018-12-11 Thread Mohamed Youseif
I'm asking about how to enable PACKAGECONFIG feature from local.conf file, let's say that i have the following pacakgeconfig in a recipe PACKAGECONFIG = " f1 f2 " PACKAGECONFIG[f1] = "-DENABLE_f1=ON,-DENABLE_f1=OFF,f1," so i need to add line in local.conf file to enable this feature for my image

[yocto] Enable PACKAGECONFIG Feature

2018-12-11 Thread Mohamed Youseif
I'm asking about how to enable PACKAGECONFIG feature from local.conf file, let's say that i have the following pacakgeconfig in a recipe PACKAGECONFIG = " f1 f2 " PACKAGECONFIG[f1] = "-DENABLE_f1=ON,-DENABLE_f1=OFF,f1," so i need to add line in local.conf file to enable this feature for my image