SRC_URI in systemtap recipe
Could that commit be cherry-picked to 'danny'?
It doesn't seem to be very dangerous as it's only a SRC_URI change.
Javier Viguera
Software Engineer
Digi International® Spain S.A.U.
yocto mailin
On 02/06/2013 04:48 PM, Burton, Ross wrote:
You'll be pleased to know it's in danny-next already, so should be
hitting danny in the next day or so.
Good to know. Thanks.
Javier Viguera
Software Engineer
Digi International® Spain S.A.U.
shows nothing.
Javier Viguera
Software Engineer
Digi International® Spain S.A.U.
yocto mailing list
into a VFAT
formatted SDcard. That's all.
Then plug the card, boot into u-boot's prompt and just run:
=> fatload mmc 1 $loadaddr install_linux_fw_sd.scr
=> source $loadaddr
Javier Viguera
yocto mailing list