is it possible to include an initramfs image in the rootfs? If so, how can I do
I want to create a single image including everything: kernel, device tree,
rootfs and initramfs.
The initramfs shall contain a custom startup to mount / using overlayfs before
calling pivot_root.
A sing
I need to use useradd-staticids to have fixed UID/GID during update. For that
I've set the following in my conf/local.conf:
> USERADDEXTENSION = "useradd-staticids"
> USERADD_GID_TABLES = "files/group"
> USERADD_UID_TABLES = "files/passwd"
After deleting TMPDIR
?m trying to
> > avoid having to include npm and compiler into my target image.
> >
> > -Andy.
> >
> > --
> > ___
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